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Youth Engagement

Interested in keeping up with our work and one off opportunities? Here are some of the ways to get involved.

Interested in doing work experience or placements' with us for personal development? Here are some of the ways to get involved.

Interested in longer research projects or to influence our practises? Here are some ways to get involved.

Ways to get involved



Interested in keeping up with our work and one off opportunities? Here are some of the ways to get involved.

Newsletters & Social Media

Partnership for Young London's  youth board update is a collection of news, opportunities, and an update on our events and work in London's youth sector. If you have anything that you want to share or promote, please email

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Interested in doing work experience placements' with us for personal development? Have a look at all of the ways to get involved.

Student Placements

Partnership for Young London works with a range of Universities and Higher Education Institutes across London offering student placements, these are aligned with the various projects.


These include being involved in research projects, supporting youth work activities, co-facilitating youth engagement events or advisory boards. Please get in touch if you are interested, these placements have to be signed off by your college or university.

Student placements logo.



Interested in longer research projects or to influence our practises? Here are some ways to get involved.

Youth Advisory Boards

We have a range of peer advisory boards in place supporting the work of the various projects. These groups consist of young Londoners who are interested in key areas of work, they meet on a monthly basis to support the programmes of work underway. The advisory boards help shape our work, create content and resources, undertake research, attend events, host seminars depending on the nature of the projects. The key skills gained from being involved include skills around leadership, communications and public, research and analysis, influencing and campaigning, networking among others.


We have the following advisory boards in place:


Young people are remunerated for their involvement.

The pan-London children in care council (CiCC) brings together a group of care-experienced young people to create opportunities, improve services and influence policy work within the care sector.

“I’ve had the chance to attend the launch of the pan-London care leavers compact in February this year. It was wonderful to see so many care-experienced young people attend from across London and hear from their inspiring speeches at the event.


I’ve also had the opportunity to attend incredible events with organisations like Google and City Academy which have broadened my perspectives on careers in the tech and creative industries. As a care leaver I’m grateful that Partnership for Young London have created meaningful opportunities to improve support and actively involve care leavers in the design of services and events across London”. – Aaliyah

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