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Partnership for Young London is recruiting twenty young people

aged 16 - 20 to train in developing their campaigning and influencing skills

for a youth asset-based campaign “The #TruthAboutYouth.”


This programme is being support by the GLA Thrive LDN campaign.


What is The #TruthAboutYouth?


This project is being run by Partnership for Young London. The aim is to create a youth-led asset-based social media campaign on young Londoners. This will profile the positive contribution of young people in the capital, challenging the current overwhelmingly negative focus. The whole project will be youth-led and young people will be supported to engage at all levels and throughout the programme.

Programme of Work



Approach - Young people will lead the work in a variety of ways and have the following opportunities and skills development:

  • As peer researchers, gathering and collating stories to illustrate the ways that young people are contributing to the city and combatting stereotypes and barriers which many young people face.

  • Peer to peer outreach work, researching skills, presenting, team work, leadership, marketing, social media and communications, editing content and writing a communications campaign.

  • As event managers, taking a lead in coordinating or contributing to the social media campaign launch events with adults who benefit from increasing their understanding of the issues being discussed;

  • As communication leads, becoming involved in disseminating information and the further development of the project, as well as setting up social media platforms profiling the work.



Skills Development - Young people will be supported to develop a range of skills from this work and we will bring in specialist trainers to work with them on the following:

  • Using social media to engage an audience i.e. vlogging and blogging,

  • Developing youth led campaigns

  • Peer research i.e. Running focus groups, designing research

  • Event planning and management

Contact Us

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Naomi Emmanuel


Youth Board facilitator

Location: Partnership for Young London, City of London, Guildhall, London EC2V 7HH


Postal: Partnership for Young London, City of London, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ

Charity registration number: 1062226

Company Limited by Guarantee: 3334117


Illustrations by Drew Sinclair 

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