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Priorities for Young Deaf Londoners: A Pilot Research Project


In 2020 we received funding from Partnership for Young London (PYL) to carry out a pilot research project, to learn about the experiences of young deaf people living in London. The aim was for the research to be youth-led, with a focus on 16-25 year-olds. Key findings include: 

  • Nearly half (48%) of respondents said there was not enough mental health and wellbeing support for young deaf people in London 

  • More than 1 in 2 (59%) said they had experienced discrimination or abuse because they are deaf, when out and about in London 

  • The majority (72%) felt that there were not enough accessible apprenticeship and training opportunities in London, whilst 80% said there were not enough accessible work opportunities for young deaf people 

  • Three-quarters (76%) said London’s transport network was either inaccessible or only a bit accessible 

  • Nearly half (48%) said they did not feel listened to by politicians  “Greater provision of BSL interpreters in London” was given as the biggest priority for the Mayor of London


Location: Partnership for Young London, City of London, Guildhall, London EC2V 7HH


Postal: Partnership for Young London, City of London, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ

Charity registration number: 1062226

Company Limited by Guarantee: 3334117


Illustrations by Drew Sinclair 

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