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London Young Researchers


Updated: Feb 11, 2022

London Young Researchers

The environment, climate change and sustainability being multi-layered and complex issues affecting citizens inside and outside of London differently as well as the same require input from all different corners of society.

We’re looking for 4 young Londoners, aged 16-25, to be trained as peer researchers, and to create and carry out a research project aiming to understand young Londoners’ relationships with environmental issues.

The Museum of London has commissioned Partnership for Young London deliver a research project aiming to understand young people’s relationships broadly with the environment, both in the physical nature of the capital city, London, and in the context of increased public discourse around sustainability and environmental issues. This will gather the thoughts and views of a broad, but targeted cross-section of young Londoners.

The project

Environmental issues in London are broad and multi-faceted. In recent years, discourse around broader environmental issues have been increasingly prominent in the news and social media, most recently alongside COP26 in Glasgow. The recent phenomenon of climate anxiety is increasingly prominent, especially for users of social media, in Millennials and Generation Z4. Recent protests demonstrate a desire for urgent action to combat the climate crisis, and 85% of young Londoners identified air pollution and the environment as important of very important in the museum’s research. The unique role of London, Londoners, and the Museum of London in this ongoing environmental discourse has the potential to be explored through this commissioned research.

Role as young researcher

  • Research: the research project aims to conduct an online survey with about 2,000 young Londoners, hold focus groups to gather underrepresented views, and decide on potential other forms of engagement with young people.

  • Training: five training sessions are set up to design, execute and analyse the research project and data. You will get training in doing peer research, learning about qualitative and quantitative research methods and how to analyse data.

  • Your project: Be a co-author of the research project and report through working together as a team with young researchers and Partnership for Young London to:

  • design the research questions

  • create a communications plan for young people to take part in surveys and focus groups

  • carry out focus groups

  • attend monthly stakeholder group meetings

  • analyse quantitative and qualitative data

  • present findings with key stakeholders across London


The project will take place from March 2022 – September 2022, attending training sessions, meetings and focus groups and potentially some desk-based activities accounting for 50 hours x £11.05 (London Living Wage). The planned meetings and training sessions (on Saturdays mostly) are scheduled below, but might be subject to change:

  • March 3rd - first stakeholder meeting

  • March 12th - 1st peer research training session (introduction, setting research aims)

  • March 26th - 2nd peer research training session (research methodology, co-design survey)

  • April 10th - 3rd peer research training session (dissemination of survey and communication strategy)

  • April 30th - 4th peer research training session (conducting focus groups, safeguarding)

  • May-June-July - hold focus groups

  • August 2nd - 5th peer research training session (analyse survey and focus group data)

  • August - final draft report

  • September - Launch and dissemination of report

How to apply

Interested? Send your CV and short application (maximum 1 page) to Iris Bos ( addressing these questions:

  • What interests you about the research?

  • What do you hope to gain in terms of skills and experience?

  • What difference do you hope to make?

EXTENDED Deadline: Thursday 17 February 2022, 12pm.

We are planning to do interviews on Monday 21st, Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th of February, ideally between 3pm – 6pm.

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Location: Partnership for Young London, City of London, Guildhall, London EC2V 7HH


Postal: Partnership for Young London, City of London, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ

Charity registration number: 1062226

Company Limited by Guarantee: 3334117


Illustrations by Drew Sinclair 

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