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Hustings Youth Board


Daisy Deering, 13

I joined the youth advisory board because I care about my community and I want to make positive changes for young people. the most worrying issues for me today are probably regarding those who work in hospitals. Despite the UK’s clear gratitude for the NHS, which I think is great, I am disappointed in the fact that despite our tax money, more money still needs to be raised to buy necessary protective gear.

I have been spending my time during lockdown working on a painting which I’m really proud of. Hopefully after lockdown I won’t stop doing art.

I hope that after lockdown we all remember the sense of thankfulness and community that we fostered during the lockdown- for example the NHS clap and food deliveries to neighbours.

Habiba Adan, 21

My name is Habiba Adan, I am a third year international relations student, and I am 21 yrs old. One thing I love about London is how diverse it is, theres so much integration of different cultures and religions. This creates a lot of tolerant and accepting people. One thing I would change about London is create more opportunities for politics students (and also young people in general), most schemes and internships are easily accessible for business and finance students, so I would create more opportunities for youth to get involved in politics. I think this would make it a better city for young people, because young people know the impact of policy changes, especially in terms of education policies, as they are the ones who experience the change first hand, so by allowing young people to become engaged in politics it gives us a voice and representation.


My name is Freddie. I’m on a gap year living in London before I go to university next year and am currently working as a teaching assistant. The thing I would most like to change about London is the education and employment opportunities for underprivileged young people.

Nadar Abdi, 18

My name is Nadar Abdi, I’m 18 years old and I am currently at university studying History at Queen Mary. I am a young British Londoner who has been living in south-west London (Wandsworth) for a very long time. I am so intrigued by British Politics and love having intellectual conversations that would help me see the world in a different light.

There are so many things to love about living in London, However, one thing I would definitely chose is how culturally enriching London is. I know this sounds very cliche, However, being a black young Londoner, this is such an important thing for me. I am so blessed to live in a city where many different cultures and backgrounds have intertwined to make such a loving and bright city.

There is no denying that there is still so much to be done in order to help cater for young Londoners in London. If I had to pick one, I would definitely say the affordability of housing. it was very surprising to hear that on average, it isn’t until your mid-30s, where first buyers are able to have a property of their own. To worsen it, renting is already through the roof for young Londoners which is quite inconvenient and it doesn’t make sense for housing to be so expensive. I want young Londoners to be aided when it comes to their options on renting or buying property in their future, It is important for me that we acknowledge that affordability in housing for young people is a fundamental issue that should be discussed, and there should be some sort of assistance with the cooperation of the Mayor of London with this. Let's help make London affordable!

Mushtaq Ahmed, 21

What is the one thing you love about London: the diversity aspect, I do not feel like I do not belong.

Whats one thing you’d change about London, for it to be a better city for young people? more affordable cost of living. London does not feel like a city which is welcoming to young people who are starting their careers or who are at an early stage in their careers because it has become increasingly expensive to live here and wages have not increased to match the cost of living in London.

Maroua Houria Baaziz

My name is Maroua Baaziz, I am a current third-year Politics and International Relations undergraduate student at Queen Mary University of London. I will be graduating this year. Alongside this, I do work on decolonising the university- challenging the diversity of the curriculum, challenging the structural and material inequalities, trying to bring knowledge around the globe into the foreground not just prioritizing western knowledge. I have also don't work on anti-racism, challenging the racism that still continues whether that be with the Windrush or the university. As part of Partnership for Young London, I would like to continue to push for racism, coloniality and gender to be challenged in London


Location: Partnership for Young London, City of London, Guildhall, London EC2V 7HH


Postal: Partnership for Young London, City of London, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ

Charity registration number: 1062226

Company Limited by Guarantee: 3334117


Illustrations by Drew Sinclair 

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