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Positive About Potential

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This project took place between 2016 to 2018.


Partnership for Young London was awarded funding by Trust for London for a two year programme that looks at youth unemployment.

The aim of this programme was to improve employment policy and practice for young people in London. The focus was on combining youth voice with policy change; helping young people to campaign on employment issues and supporting that with research and roundtables.

Programme of work


Young people face higher rates of unemployment, and are increasingly faced with less opportunity and a higher cost of living. The recent decision to leave the European Union may also have a greater impact on young people, with European Social Fund programmes in danger of being cut.

  • 5% of young Londoners are unemployed, that represents nearly 1 in 5.

  • Around 1 in 10 young people aged 16-24 are NEET.

  • Young people represent 35% of those on zero contract hours and are not eligible for the new living wage.

  • London offers the fewest numbers of apprenticeships nationally.

  • The unemployment rate for black graduates is double that for white graduates.

For further youth employment statistics, see our recent report ‘Young People Count 2016’


Research reports

We produced a range of research over the two-year programme, taking an in-depth look at a certain aspect of youth unemployment. As well as the input from young people, research was be conducted based on data trends and what other organisations are saying would be useful in the coming years.

Youth voice

Alongside data led research, it was important that young people play a pivotal role in challenging youth unemployment. Their experiences, perspective, and stories are important to challenging the stereotypes and perceptions around youth unemployment issues.

Each topic was identified by listening to what youth groups are saying across London. Young people who want to be involved in making a change addressing the challenges closest to them will be supported to create campaign videos, materials, and to engage key stakeholders. We wanted them to tell us their stories in videos we help them create, give us feedback on our research, and present their challenges to policy makers.

Resource and research

Contact Us


Matthew Walsham


Policy and Campaigns Lead

Location: Partnership for Young London, City of London, Guildhall, London EC2V 7HH


Postal: Partnership for Young London, City of London, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ

Charity registration number: 1062226

Company Limited by Guarantee: 3334117


Illustrations by Drew Sinclair 

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