About Us
Partnership for Young London believes in a future where every young person’s right to wellbeing is recognised and fulfilled. With young people making up a quarter of London’s population, we have to respect that they are crucial to its future.
Young people make up 25% of London’s population but are 100% crucial to its future. Yet they face one of the most challenging economic settings of a generation, with so many of London’s young population still struggling to access the services they need and the right opportunities to build happy and successful futures.
Despite these challenges, young people possess the strengths they need to thrive. Partnership for Young London believes in a future where every young person’s right to well being is recognised, where their strengths are celebrated, and their potential is fulfilled. We’re determined to make sure that this becomes a reality; and we know we aren’t alone in our vision.
That’s why we provide a cross-sector platform, drawing together public and private organisations, as well as the voluntary sector, social enterprises, and local, regional and national government, as partners in the same vision.