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Join Us


The session I attended looking at new models of services for young people was really helpful, its current and what’s on everybody’s minds at the moment. It increased our knowledge of new ways of working and ideas for chasing people up in the future – so therefore helps to increase what we do and improve our services. Good networks and partnerships through this work and a coherent voice on fighting for young people’s services.


Jude Simmons

Youth Service Manager, London Borough of Merton

Our membership of Partnership for Young London is vital in connecting us with the rich ecology of young Londoners. We benefit enormously from the gatherings, training support and network of knowledge Partnership for Young London provides as it enables us to improve our work and support more young people in the capital.


Philip Flood

Director, Sound Connections


Partnership for Young London believes in a future where every young person’s right to wellbeing is recognised and fulfilled. With young people making up a quarter of London’s population, we have to respect that they are crucial to its future.


Partnership for Young London is uniquely placed in the region to connect, develop and influence the policy and delivery of services for young people and acts as a unified voice for London.

We provide market intelligence across the various key stakeholders, sharing intelligence, information and data about services for young people, both in terms of the current situation and how they can be improved.


By supporting us, you allow us to provide quarterly high profile network meetings and other specific thematic meetings linked to demand in line with emerging issues at a local, regional and national level. Also partnership and collaborative working opportunities with a range of statutory and voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations as well as links with central and regional government on a regular basis.


We operate as a membership organisation and our grateful to our members for their continued support, and welcome their input across all aspects of our work. Feedback from members has highlighted that the services valued the most include;

  • Policy News

  • Thematic Seminars and Events

  • Training sessions

  • London Policy Network Meetings

  • Links with key policy leads from national and regional government


Speakers who have attended the policy network and regional seminars over the last year have included: Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Big Lottery, City Bridge Trust, Royal Association for the Deaf, Tell Mama, Forward UK, Girl Guiding, London Councils, Wandsworth Youth Service, Young Womens Trust among others.


We ask that all new prospective members complete this application form and send into to or telephone 020 7332 3599 for further information. All membership rates are subject to VAT. The membership year runs from 1st April to the following 31st March. Membership is open throughout the year and rates can be pro rata.



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  • 48 bulletins on a weekly basis profiling the latest policy, research, campaigns, practice and funding opportunities for services working with young people.

  • Access to Partnership for Young London’s policy network, bringing together key stakeholders working with young people across London with national and regional policy leads.

  • Opportunity to profile work to over 3000 organisations across the region.

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  • Access to over 30 free workforce development opportunities, including training and best practice networks on measuring impact, collective impact, leadership, safeguarding, youth employability among others.

  • Opportunity to disseminate the learning from your work across London.

  • Involvement in the Vision for Young Londoners policy platform for London alongside of 100 other organisations.

  • Engagement in research programmes aiming to drive up best practice in working with young people i.e. the Role of Youth Work Approaches in Early Help, Safeguarding In the Voluntary Sector, Commissioning for Youth among others.

Membership Case Studies


Dan Burke, Chief Executive Officer of Young Harrow Foundation


Job: Oversight of all operational objectives, co-develop strategic objectives with the trustees and manage all day to day running of the charity.


Length of membership: 2 years


What have you found beneficial in your organisation being a member of PYL?


Where PYL has helped us is that it puts its members in the same room with key players and we have an equal say on important issues. This means that at the beginning of a lot of processes it gives us an opportunity to have a say in those things which normally, no one is gonna go out to Harrow and ask.


Sharon specifically is a great person to bounce big ideas off because she’s been involved in a lot of different projects. At the moment Young Harrow Foundation are trying to change how you solve significant social problems, so we’d bounce ideas off Sharon because she’s done work like this but we’re also gonna try and own it ourselves. With Sharon and PYL, they’ve helped by putting us in the right direction.




The venue for Vision for Young Londoners was a great representation of the pull that PYL has. There were key players large and small that really represented the sector. It’s looking at how can PYL use that pull in different areas to put insight into the new areas that we’re venturing into.

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Location: Partnership for Young London, City of London, Guildhall, London EC2V 7HH


Postal: Partnership for Young London, City of London, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ


Charity registration number: 1062226

Company Limited by Guarantee: 3334117


Illustrations by Drew Sinclair 

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